Monday, March 9, 2009


Let as celebrate Humanity and toss Goat poo to those who would rather worship unseen deities. Those who obey anything they wish to call a God so blindly their willing to ignore all facts and science, trusted sources and will lie, cheat and mislead others in attempts to bring those others towards their own belief system.

The best example I can give for this is a man named Ray Comfort. Here is a person so utterly insane and delusional, well he was willing to debate a pair of Evolutionary Scientists a while back with his equally insane and inept pal Kirk Cameron on the basis of proving God's exsistence without the help of the bible.


Don't believe me, after all I suggest you research and invest the time in looking up facts then deciding for yourself what is truth in this life. Just "google" Ray Comfort + Debate and you'll surely see enough evidence of what I speak here. I will I guess make a huge effort to find and point out Reglious idiots, bigots, liars, users ( like the evil prick Benny Hinn) and post what I can find about them here.

And please, don't be a hater !!!

Da Goat.

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